Tuesday, November 16, 2010

November- This month we planted daffodil bulbs in the garden and collected leaves to be used for mulch over the winter. The planting area was tilled and organic bulb fertilizer was added to the bulbs during planting. We are hoping to have plenty of large, bright, yellow flowers to sell for Mother's Day next Spring.

For our last day, the kids first went outside by the garden and played parachute games. They then came in and had mulled apple cider, popcorn, starbursts, cookies and cinnamon bread for snack while they watched 'First Snow in the Woods' by Carl R. Sams and Jean Stoick. The kids also signed a bunch of Thank you cards for the School Lunch Chef team that helped us make muffins. (Thanks to Belinda, Deb, Eileen, T , Shira and Cyndi-great cookies, for your help! Michele- great popcorn and LOVE that Fiesta ware!)

For our last discussion of the year we asked the kids what they would like to see growing in the garden. Roses, tomatoes, grape hyacinths, cactus, fruit trees, a crab apple tree, donuts, carrots, blue pumpkins, white pumpkins, eggplants, turnips, blueberries, Lion tails and sunflowers were the sometimes surprising replies.

When asked what were the favorite things they did in Garden Group:

"Eating Watermelon." -Ariel
"My favorite part was planting things." -Lauren
"I enjoyed making the scarecrows." - Belinda
"Destroying the sunflowers." - Josh
"Taking down the corn." - Chris
"Working in the side garden." -Sean
"Planting corn and everything." - Nick
"Making muffins." - T and Leo
"I liked watching a bare piece of grass turn into a garden."- Shira (me too!)

Thanks everyone for a fun fall. I am looking forward to a bountiful spring and summer for next year's garden!

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